The 2018 is designated as the ‘European Year of Cultural Heritage’ (EYCH2018) from the European Parliament and the Council of the European union. The purpose of the European Year is to encourage the sharing and appreciation of Europe’s cultural heritage as a shared resource, to raise awareness of common history and values, and to reinforce a sense of belonging to a common European space.
The slogan for the year is: Our heritage: where the past meets the future.
The European Year of Cultural Heritage will be implemented through a series of initiatives at European, national, regional and local levels. Thousands of events and celebrations are planned across Europe.
Throughout 2018, projects putting Europe’s cultural heritage in the spotlight are eligible to receive the EYCH label to show their association and support for the Year. As this is the case of the Regional centre for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in South-eastern Europe under the auspices of UNESCO initiative, we would like to encourage you to apply for the EYCH Label.
Please find relevant information below:
What is the EYCH Label?
- Initiatives taking place between the 7 December 2017 (the official launch of the Year) and 31 December 2018, and contributing to achieving one or more of the objectives of the Year, are eligible to receive the EYCH label.
- The EYCH Label is composed by:
A logo available in all EU languages and five different colours
The slogan “Our heritage: where the past meets the future”
The hashtag #EuropeForCulture
Please note that the label is granted only to individual projects and does not imply any financial contribution.
The label of the EYCH 2018 could be granted by:
- National Coordinator in your country – for all projects at national, regional and local levels
- The European Commission – for all EU funded projects via application form
- The Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in South – Eastern Europe under auspices of UNESCO as member of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 Stakeholder Committee – for cross-border projects implemented by the cultural heritage organisations in the field of ICH.
The general objectives of the European Year:
- Cultural heritage as a pivotal component of cultural diversity and inter-cultural
- Dialogue
- Cultural heritage’s contribution to the economy
- Cultural heritage as an element of the relations between the EU and third countries
The specific objectives of the European Year:
- People-centred, inclusive, forward-looking, more integrated, sustainable and cross-sectoral approaches to cultural heritage
- Innovative models of participatory governance and management
- Debate and research on the quality of conservation, safeguarding, innovative reuse and enhancement of cultural heritage
- Cultural heritage accessible to all
- Research and innovation for cultural heritage, statistics
- Synergy between cultural heritage and environment policies
- Regional and local development strategies and sustainable tourism
- Skills and knowledge management and transfer in the cultural heritage sector
- Cultural heritage as a source of inspiration for contemporary creation and innovation
- Education and lifelong learning
- Intercultural dialogue, post-conflict reconciliation and conflict prevention
- Research and innovation in relation to cultural heritage
- Preventing the illicit trafficking of cultural goods
- Focus on 2018 events that have a symbolic importance for Europe’s history and cultural heritage
You can request the EYCH label from the Regional centre for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in South-eastern Europe under the auspices of UNESCO if you are implementing cross-border initiative in the field of intangible cultural heritage.
For more information, please contact us at
We hope that you share our enthusiasm towards the EYCH and count on your involvement and support to make it a success.[:]