Training of trainers for the facilitators from Europe

Similarly to the ‘Training of Trainers’ course delivered in 2017, this year the Regional Centre Sofia, jointly with UNESCO, supports the training for the European chapter of UNESCO’s global network of facilitators.

This markable event will gather in the city of Sofia more then 30 international experts, who are delivering trainings on themes related to intangible cultural heritage, as well as representatives of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Section and UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Venice.

The training starts on September 17th and will have a duration of up to 4 working days.

This year’s workshop aims to strengthen facititators’ capacity to provide effective policy support for the implementation of the 2003 Convention in the context of UNESCO’s global capacity-building programme in Europe. It will also provide an occasion to discuss the Overall Results Framework for the Convention and periodic reporting.

For more information: UNESCO events

Training of trainers workshop for the European chapter of the global facilitators’ network 2017

Documents for the workshop:

List participants

Provisional agenda