Twelfth Annual Meeting of the South-East European Experts Network on Intangible Cultural Heritage

The Role of Museums in Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in South-East Europe


On 25 and 26 October in Ljubljana will be held the 12th Annual Meeting of the South-East European Experts Network on Intangible Cultural Heritage. The theme that they will discuss is “The Role of Museums in Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in South-East Europe”.

Twelve years those meetings are being used as an instrument for sharing knowledge, experience and good practices for the safeguarding and the popularization of intangible cultural heritage, and also to motivate the cooperation in this field.

The event is being organized by the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe in cooperation with the Regional Centre-Sofia, UNESCO, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO and the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum. Attendants of the meeting will be Mr. Tim Curtis – Head of ICH Section, UNESCO, international experts from the organization and representatives of the ministries of culture and museums dealing with intangible cultural heritage from Southeast Europe.

UNESCO Venice Office