Expert meeting on intangible cultural heritage in emergencies at UNESCO Headquarters

At the request of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, UNESCO is organizing an expert meeting in UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, on 21 – 22 May 2019, with the generous support of the People’s Republic of China. The aim of the meeting is to discuss methodological guidance for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in emergencies.

In this context, experts will address notably the two following dimensions: how is intangible cultural heritage itself disrupted and threatened under such circumstances and what can be done for its safeguarding; and, on the other hand, how can intangible cultural heritage be promoted, safeguarded or supported, as a critical means for rebuilding social cohesion, fostering reconciliation and/or facilitating recovery for communities confronted with situations of emergencies.

The results of the meeting will be presented to the Director-General of UNESCO and subsequently examined by the Committee when it meets for its fourteenth session in Colombia from 9 to 14 December 2019.