Call for papers for Living Heritage journal

Call for papers
Living Heritage Journal
Publication of the Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in South-Eastern Europe under the auspices of UNESCO
ISSN 2683-0256 printed version / ISSN 2683-0264 e-version
Deadline for submission of papers: 31 May 2020


The Living Heritage Journal is dedicated to the research, study, safeguarding, preservation and popularization of intangible cultural heritage in the Member States of the Regional Centre Sofia – UNESCO, in particular: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Türkiye and Ukraine.

Its purpose is to contribute to the diffusion of information, international and national policies, expertise and good practices in the field of intangible cultural heritage, to support the recognition, sharing and dissemination of living heritage.

The Living Heritage Journal accepts publications in Bulgarian, English and French.

The Living Heritage Journal is bilingual – in English and Bulgarian, published on annual basis (2 editions per year).

Unpublished papers are accepted. Book excerpts are not accepted.

The Regional Centre Sofia-UNESCO bears no responsibility for the use of any of the published names, data, legal status of countries, territories, cities and areas, also their boundaries on maps.

Articles express the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Regional Centre Sofia-UNESCO.


  • Scientific paper dedicated to the important issues of intangible cultural heritage as research, study, analysis, safeguarding, preservation and popularization in the Member States of the Regional Centre Sofia – UNESO. The texts shall be up to 6420 words or 40 550 characters with spaces in English, French or Bulgarian. An Abstract up to 140 words or 900 characters with spaces, a short biography of the author with the same parameters and key words between 3-6 are also required. The citation shall be in the text; notes shall be on the footer of each page – APA standard. All scientific papers are subject to anonymous review by two reviewers and, if necessary, a third. Authors are informed about the opinion of the reviewers and shall consider the opinion.
  • Portraits representing bearers/practitioners, individuals, researchers contributing to the safeguarding, promotion and research of living heritage at local, regional and national levels. The texts shall be up to 2000 words or 12 800 characters with spaces. Additionally, the texts shall be accompanied with 3-4 pictures with descriptions and grant of rights. The texts in this rubric are not subject of review.
  • Interviews representing bearers/practitioners, public figures, cultural managers, museum specialists, researchers, individuals, locals contributing to the safeguarding, promotion and research of living heritage in regional and national levels – sharing the personal view of a leading figure in the field of living heritage. The texts shall be up to 2000 words or 12 800 characters with spaces. Additionally, the text shall be accompanied with 3-4 pictures with descriptions and grant of rights. The texts in this rubric are not subject of review.
  • In focus / We present the living heritage ofa Member State – texts that familiarize to the ICH element(s) of a country which has been already inscribed on the UNESCO Lists of ICH, submitted or part of the national inventory. The rubric addresses interesting facts, forms and ways of sharing living heritage today, also best practices and ideas for attracting the wide public and stakeholders. The texts shall be up to 1200 words or 7 800 characters with spaces. Additionally, the text shall be accompanied with 2-3 pictures with descriptions and grant of rights. The texts in this rubric are not subject of review.
  • ICH Calendar presenting events related to the living heritage and its promotion – conferences, round tables, days of intangible cultural heritage, festive events or other activities. The texts shall be up to 1200 words or 7 800 characters with spaces. Additionally, the text shall be accompanied with 2-3 pictures with descriptions and grant of rights. The texts in this rubric are not subject of review.
  • Cultural heritage on display – the focus is on publications, films, museum artifacts, cultural installations, heritage animation. The texts shall be up to 1200 words or 7 800 characters with spaces. Additionally, the text shall be accompanied with 2-3 pictures with descriptions and grant of rights. The texts in this rubric are not subject of review.
  • Photo story – presentation of living heritage, rituals, events, exhibitions through a story of photos, accompanied by brief descriptions of each photo.


Parameters оf the papers:

Word file / Timеs New Roman 12 with 1,5 line spacing; indentation 0,27.

Parameters оf the photos:

Jpeg/Tiff format; 3000 pixels and 300 dpi; completed form for grant of rights and description.


APA style –


All papers shall be sent to the official e-mail of the Living Heritage journal:
Deadline for submission of papers: 31 May 2020[:]