Round table “Living Heritage in the City” – 6 July 2020, online

Тhe round table on the topic ‘Living Heritage in the Citywill be held on July 6, 2020 in a virtual modality due to the COVID-19 crisis. It is the fourth round table related to the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage titled “University meets Museum” organized by the Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in South-Eastern Europe under the auspices of UNESCO together with New Bulgarian University, Regional History Museum – Rousse, Department ‘Ethnology’ at the University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski‘ and the Regional Ethnographic Museum – Plovdiv.

The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (Convention 2003) draws attention to cultural diversity and its recognition as a set of values. The conference addresses two important points in the research, safeguarding and promotion of the living heritage:

– Exposure, animation and experience of intangible heritage in an urban environment

– Creation of new cultural practices, new festive events and their integration into the cultural heritage of the city

Elements of the living heritage become parts of exhibitions or subject of research and exposure as objects, photographs, visual and musical images. The living heritage is reenacted by creating situations similar to ‘times past’ ‘features of a time gone by’: the craftsmen and artisans’ alley, the wine or yogurt festival, events that draw audiences with a promise of hands-on participation. The intangible cultural heritage presents positive images of communities, of regions, creating value in public spaces. The living heritage allows locals and tourists alike to choose from a variety of opportunities for exploring and experiencing cultures, traditions as well as novelties in a context of everyday life and celebration.

The round table raises the attention on the issues related to the living heritage in a wide region – the Member States of the Regional Centre Sofia and the facilitators from European branch of UNESCO’s network. It will be an opportunity for participants to share knowledge and experiences on ICH in urban environments.

The presented papers at the round table will be included in an edition on the same topic.


List of participants