Embroidery Traditions in Armenia

Embroidery Traditions in Armenia

Inscribed on the national list of urgent ICH safeguarding as the transmission of it has interrupted in families

Domain: Skills and knowledge related to traditional crafts


Embroidery has a special place in the treasury of the Armenian intangible cultural heritage. It is characterized by unique patterns, ornaments, execution techniques, colors and style. The tasks and goals of cultural policy in the field of embroidery are reflected in the cultural perspective of the preservation and development of Armenian embroidery. Armenian embroidery occupies a large place not only in the national culture, but also makes a significant contribution to the treasury of world art. For an Armenian woman, embroidery is a measure of beauty, an expression of her own skill and mastery. It is unique and wonderful. In Armenian embroidery there are ornaments and illustrations with simple and complex content of geometric, plant, animal, imaginary figures of celestial bodies. The circle is often found in geometric ornaments as a “seed-extracting” fruit. The square, the diagonal represented the human dwelling, the field, the curved lines are the outline of the mountains and valleys. Plant motifs occupy a large place, the main expression of which is the Tree of Life. The animal motifs contain images of wild animals living in Armenia in connection with the worship and life of primitive man. The main materials used for embroidery are fabric and threads. Their choice depends on embroidery, its types and purpose. The following types of seams are known: Marash flat, Marash woven seam, Ayntap embroidery, Overlay embroidery (kilis), Sharakar embroidery, Khachkar embroidery, Vosketel and gold-threaded embroidery (Kugakar), Makok և etc. The embroidery art of the Armenian people has come a long way in history, established as a sphere of artistic activity that includes the development of the people’s psychology, intellect and taste.
