Mr Oleksandr Butsenko, Development Centre “Democracy through Culture”, Ukraine
R.C.: What are the key messages of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage that have remained fully relevant to this day?
O.B.: The key message is the focus on human creativity and cultural diversity. That is, the main stakeholders are communities, groups and individuals. It is not only relevant but very actual today in Ukraine when the human life, knowledge, skills, customs, traditions, crafts and cultural expressions are endangered due to the war. The Convention basic message is the necessity to fight for man in the human-made world.
R.C.: Would you identify such trends in the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage as relate to the use of formal and non-formal education and are the result of educational policies and practices?
O.B.: Formal and non-formal education are one of core tools in ICH safeguarding. Thus, we now try not only introduce learning about the living heritage but also education with the living heritage which can be really fun for children as well as for teachers.
R.C.: Which are the highlights in marking the 20th Anniversary of the signing of the 2003 Convention and how do they relate to the dynamic changes in the political, cultural, social and economic contexts of the present day?
O.B.: 20th Anniversary and related to it worldwide events can open new possibilities for ICH safeguarding in terms of technologies (Wiki, cloud inventories) and wider awareness. The dynamic changes of our living context bringing risks and threats, along with possibilities for the ICH safeguarding, empower bearers and stakeholders for innovative and efficient decisions.
R.C.: In what direction do you anticipate the future development of Regional Category 2 Centres in terms of the safeguarding, conservation and evolution of the living heritages?
O.B.: Research, capacity building, information and expertise, advanced consulting, encouraging innovative projects in this field.
R.C.: How your personal experience in communicating with intangible cultural heritage has affected your professional growth?
O.B.: It pushed me to understand deeper the role of culture and cultural heritage in the modern world, and to desire learn all component of – if it possible to say – ICH ecosystem which include traditions and modern art along with adjusted disciplines as ecology, economy, social security.[:]