Twelfth annual coordination meeting of category 2 centres active in the field of intangible cultural heritage

The 12th annual coordination meeting of the category 2 centres active in the field of intangible cultural heritage was held on 13 June at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. It was attended by representatives of all 8 World Centres in Algeria, Bulgaria, Iran, China, Japan, Peru, Republic of Korea and United Arab Emirates.

There were two main topics for discussion:

  • Strengthening capacities to safeguard intangible cultural heritage using multi-modal approaches and contribute to sustainable development
  • Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and climate change (one of the thematic initiatives of the 2003 Convention)

Chayana Istatkova, expert ‘International Activity’ in the Regional Centre Sofia- UNESCO, presented the capacity building activities implemented in the Member States, as well as the seminars for youth under the Erasmus program. She also pointed out the latest projects of the Centre and joint event on the international scene.

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