The event is organized under the sign of the celebrations of the first International Day of Intangible Cultural Heritage
The Regional Centre Sofia – UNESCO has taken the initiative to develop an University Network for Intangible Cultural Heritage in South-East Europe. The first meeting of the network was organized in 2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria and the next meeting will be held on 25th November 2024 in virtual modality.
The participants in the first meeting have agreed on the following main objectives of the network:
- to promote cooperation between educational, scientific and cultural institutions, teaching intangible cultural heritage at local, national and regional level;
- to establish synergies between Member States in the development of educational programs and projects to support the process safeguarding intangible cultural heritage;
- to support the organization of training courses on topics related to the 2003 Convention and its operational guidelines;
- to contribute to the implementation of initiatives for the protection and promotion of the intangible cultural heritage of the countries of South-East Europe, through training, sharing of good practices, etc.
- to promote synergy where possible between educational programs and the 2003 Convention;
- to develop joint research projects and activities.
The upcoming online meeting is aimed to resume the activity of the University network, as well as to create favourable platform for communication between the universities in South-East Europe. The discussions will be focused on teaching intangible cultural heritage in higher education, and on the possibilities of joint scientific projects and programs on the topic.
Preliminary agenda of the meeting:
14:00 Welcome speeches
14:15 Presentation of the objectives of the network
14:30 Presentation of the participants, their universities, programmes and initiatives
16:30 Conclusions, recommendations and follow-up activities of the network
For participation please complete the following Registration form for the meeting.